Latest News From The Roofing
& Reinforcement Industry

  • Box Profile Iron Roof
    June 20, 2024
    What Is The Most Widely Used Box Profile Iron Roof?
    With over 59 million people entering and exiting Paddington Station, the characteristic corrugated roofing design style has endured for nearly two centuries.
  • roofing materials - builders
    May 24, 2024
    Better Weather May Provide Huge Summer Housing Boost
    The use of insulated roofing sheets and other construction materials has been reduced by wet weather hampering progress, but that could rebound this summer.
  • insulated roofing sheets
    May 10, 2024
    Is The North Set For Housing Construction Boom?
    High-quality buildings need insulated roofing sheets, but will these products be in big demand after some freshly-elected mayoral construction pledges?
  • Old-House-Roof-Repair- corrugated roofing sheets
    April 23, 2024
    Who Accidentally Invented Corrugated Iron?
    The development of corrugated roofing sheets, one of the most versatile roofing materials ever made, came as the result of an accident in an ironworks factory.
  • Gutter System
    March 11, 2024
    Why Do So Many Homeowners Have Problems With Their Gutters?
    One of the most common jobs for builders is fixing roof gutters, with many homeowners in the UK having ongoing issues with their guttering. Find out why here.
  • corrugated roofing sheets
    February 13, 2024
    What Are The Benefits Of Using GRP Rooflights?
    The benefits of getting as much natural light as possible are well-known, which is why it’s wise to install rooflights alongside corrugated roofing sheets.
  • insulates roofing sheets
    January 15, 2024
    Demand For Insulated Sheeting To Rise As Winter Persists
    Temperatures around the UK are dropping, so builders are likely to see a rise in demand for insulated roofing sheets to keep buildings warm during cold weather.
  • corrugated-roof-foregale
    December 27, 2023
    Does Painting Corrugated Roofs Make Them Last Longer?
    Corrugated galvanised iron is named as such because it will have a rustproofng coating added to the steel, but could painting the sheets make them last longer?
  • rooftop flashing - sheet metal flashings
    December 12, 2023
    Make Sure Your Roof Flashing Is In Good Condition
    One of the things tradespeople are often called out for in winter is repairing or replacing sheet metal flashings, as this can lead to leaks in rainy weather.