Welcome To Our
Company History
Where We Came From
Cool Timeline

Foregale Ltd was established in 1981 operating from premises on Shillbank Lane, Mirfield. Following rapid expansion, the company not only relocated to the current premises on Union Road, Liversedge but also opened a second depot in Hessle, Hull in 1986.

In 1986 Foregale expanded and opened up a second site over at Hull for both the roofing and reinforcement departments.

Carrying 8.5T, this wagon allowed us to deliver even more jobs in the day!

Foregale setup our very first rolling mill! The original home built, pre-cut Foreclad 250 line. This was the foundation stone of Foreclad sheeting.

From time to time machinery needs refurbishing in order to maintain the quality. We have invested back into our main rolling mill at our Liversedge, West Yorkshire site to ensure many more years of production to serve our fantastic customers.

Out with the old and in with the new. Our Hull, East Yorkshire site have just taken delivery of a brand new 7.5T Iveco wagon. Keen to maintain our service levels we are keeping our transport up to date with fresh vehicles.

Replacing our old 4T fork truck, we welcome the brand new Doosan D45S-7 to our Liversedge, West Yorkshire site. We have invested in a high quality manufacturer of fork trucks that have themselves invested heavily in their engines which means that they don’t need a stand alone DPF filter. This results in a lot less down time for the fork truck and more production time is possible. Foregale are the first in the country to take delivery of this specification of fork truck from Ability Handling.

The brand refresh is here! We felt that our old logo and image was looking tired and so here we present our new logo and colour scheme for Foregale.

Stepping up from our previous sized wagons at our Liversedge, West Yorkshire site, we welcome a brand new DAF 12T wagon to our fleet. The wagon is capable of carrying up to 7T at once. This is double our previous wagon capacity!

We just couldn’t get the photo quick enough! As soon as this machine arrived at our Liversedge, West Yorkshire site it was put to work as the demand for our flashings is constantly growing! This 6.4MT Jorns Super-line replaces our old 4MT Tensol folder which not only ups our capacity but also means even more accuracy and precision can be achieved.

Our Hull, East Yorkshire site have upgraded their mechanical guillotine that is used for making flashings with a brand new one! This machine has the added benefit of electronic back stops which means that we can work quicker and produce more flashings than before!

The biggest vehicle in our fleet yet! Our new DAF 16T wagon is capable of carrying up to 9T at once. This is perfect for the larger projects that require delivery to limited access sites as well as the large sites. Wrapped up in our latest company branding, you can recognise a Foregale wagon instantly if you happen to pass one on your journey!

As we continue to demonstrate our service levels we are constantly reacting to last minute requirements for customer flashings. This means bringing in pallets of different colours to the work shop very frequently. In order not to halt production in other areas of the company we have now invested in a second Doosan fork truck, this time a D33S-7 at our Liversedge, West Yorkshire site. Again this fork truck does not need a separate DPF filter so we can continue to work for longer.

We took delivery of a brand new Pedax reinforcement bar cutter to replace the previous ageing machine. We use the machine so much that it had already been put into action before we had chance to get a photo! Some of the benefits of the new machine are that it is quicker, gives a cleaner cut and can handle a greater capacity.

Introducing the RAS Turbo Bend folder to our work shop at our Hull, East Yorkshire site. This machine can fold up to 3.15MT lengths with a rapid folding speed mechanism. Perfect for 1 man operation on a time critical job.

We are so excited and proud to announce the arrival of our brand new Foreclad 200mm pitch profile rolling mill at our Liversedge, West Yorkshire site. Designed and built to a high European specification and partnering with a machine building specialist, the new rolling mill enables Foregale to work harder, faster and with even more precision than ever before.

We have our own liner panel! Following on from the Foreclad 200mm pitch design, the new Foreclad FL liner panel follows a very similar design. With our own machinery for this product we can now service projects quicker and price even more competitively than ever before!

We’re not stopping! After the recent arrival of the brand new Foreclad 200mm pitch rolling mill at our Liversedge site, we have now added ANOTHER brand new Jorns 6.4MT Super-line folder to sit along side our already existing one also at Liversedge. With 2 of these incredible machines on site we are able to produce more flashings than ever before both quicker and even more accurately.

It’s not just our Liversedge site that is growing in production levels! Our East Yorkshire site at Hull is also on the up! We welcome a Doosan D50S-5 to our fleet of fork trucks to help us power through the day.

Following on from the investment in the new rolling mill at Liversedge last year, we now add another brand new de-coiler on to our to cut length flat line that can handle even bigger coils. This means less down time through less coil changes as the new machinery can handle more weight.

Replacing our old 2.5T fork truck with a brand new Doosan GX30 model, the lifting capacity is increased as is the productivity.

With 2 already, we made it a hat trick with the purchase of a 3rd De-Coiler at our Liversedge, West Yorkshire site. Following on from previous refurbishment and maintenance, we have put this de-coiler into action on our Foreclad 250 rolling mill. This means less down time for the mill with less coil changes required on bigger projects.

Replacing our old 3.5T fork truck with a Doosan 4.5T model, the lifting capacity is increased which makes lifting existing size loads even safer.

As the demand for our products grows, so does our fleet, allowing us to save on delivery time, cost and emissions.

A brand new Rico HGR hydraulic guillotine. This new machinery will make the flashing manufacturing process even quicker and more accurate due to more of the process being automated. The rear belt drive system also ensures that each piece cut is sent away from the machine straight away making space for the next piece to be cut. Here at Foregale we truly are building on strength.

We are delighted to launch our fresh new website to kick off the new year.

Replacing our aged old guillotine, this machine has more automated features and options, as well as a return to sender option for cutting pieces out. All of these things result in a faster and more efficient machine!

The first one was such a success that we went right ahead and bought another! This allows us to up our production capacity and gives the customer confidence that it doesn’t matter which machine is used, the quality is the same!

Now we have twin power! The first machine has been such a success that within 2 years we went right ahead and invested in another one to help keep up with the demand!

With all the extra sheeting we are now producing, we had to start thinking about extra storage! Custom built and structurally calculated, the new racking at our Liversedge site can handle some serious weight!

The machine that runs all of the flat sheeting was due an upgrade! Our new machine has been expertly designed to run fully automated and also has the ability to slit the sheets down in to different widths as well as lengths!

Continuing with the machinery investment, we have installed another brand new Pedax reinforcement bar cutter to replace some more of the older machinery. The new cutter is capable of cutting bigger diameter bars than previously whilst also operating faster and helping to further increase production volume!

As growth continues, so must the capacity! We’ve added a brand new DAF 16T wagon to our line up to replace an older and smaller wagon in the fleet. Both of our sites can now deliver larger loads helping to further improve our service!

After many years of hard work it was time to retire our 2 old overhead cranes in our main reinforcement production warehouse and replace them with brand new ones that have upgraded lifting capacities, ready to further look to the future of the business! The bigger cranes also allow for increased production as just 1 of the new cranes can do the work of the 2 old ones if required!